Why sign up? (e.g., why not just take advantage of our extensive advertisements & have a sale the same day?)
That's just tacky...
Treasures From the Point is Friends of the Ferry's only fundraiser so you are helping not only to promote the ferries but feed the ferry crew on Christmas day...
You become an engaged part of one of Algiers Point's two best annual events (the other being Friendship Day.)
Your unsold items will be hauled away by Red, White & Blue Thrift so you don't have pack them away for next year's sale..
MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!! As a seller, you are invited to the first ever TREASURES AFTERPARTY following Sunday's sale.
Spring Cleaning Option
Don't want a sale but sill have stuff to get rid of? Consider donating your unwanted goods to Friends of Mount Oliviet to benefit the restoration of the historic church at 530 Pelican.